Q-Logic 9100 TV Video Accessories User Manual

5–Customer Replaceable Units
Replacing CPU Blades
5-8 59229-05 A
14. Load the image file on the switch. Move to the directory that contains the
firmware image file and open an FTP session. When prompted, enter the
account name (images) and password (images). Set the file type to binary.
Enter the Put command and specify the name of the image file.
User: images
Password: images
ftp> binary
ftp> put image_file
ftp> bye
15. Log in to the switch with the default user name (admin) and password
(password). Open an Admin session and enter the Image Unpack
command. Enter the Reset command to activate the new firmware. End the
Admin session and log off.
CPU0 login: admin
Password: password
SANbox #> admin start
SANbox (admin) #> image unpack image_file
Image unpack command result: Passed
SANbox (admin) #> reset
SANbox (admin) #> admin end
SANbox #> exit
16. Move to the directory that contains the configdata file that you downloaded
earlier. Use FTP to upload this file from the management workstation to the
User: images
Password: images
ftp> binary
ftp> put configdata
ftp> bye