Area Time-zone Area setting
code differences
1 GMT Lisbon, London
2 GMT+01:00 Berlin, Paris
3 GMT+02:00 Helsinki, Cairo
4 GMT+03:00 Moscow, Nairobi
5 GMT+03:30 Tehran
6 GMT+04:00 Abu Dhabi, Baku
7 GMT+04:30 Kabul
8 GMT+05:00 Karachi, Islamabad
9 GMT+05:30 Calcutta, New Delhi
10 GMT+06:00 Almaty, Dhaka
11 GMT+06:30 Rangoon
12 GMT+07:00 Bangkok, Jakarta
13 GMT+08:00 HongKong, Singapore
14 GMT+09:00 Seoul, Tokyo
15 GMT+09:30 Adelaide, Darwin
16 GMT+10:00 Melbourne, Sydney
17 GMT+11:00 Solomon Is
18 GMT+12:00 Fiji, Wellington
Area Time-zone Area setting
code differences
19 GMT–12:00 Eniwetok, Kwajalein
20 GMT–11:00 Midway Is., Samoa
21 GMT–10:00 Hawaii
22 GMT–09:00 Alaska
23 GMT–08:00 LosAngeles, Tijuana
24 GMT–07:00 Denver, Arizona
25 GMT–06:00 Chicago, MexicoCity
26 GMT–05:00 New York, Bogota
27 GMT–04:00 Santiago
28 GMT–03:30 St. John’s
29 GMT–03:00 Brasilia, Montevideo
30 GMT–02:00 Fernando de Noronha
31 GMT–01:00 Azores
To set your local time
Select AREA from the menu, then press the
center z or B on the control button. Next,
select the country or area where you stay in,
using the table above, then press the center z
on the control button.
Step 2 Setting the date and time