Index (continued)
all the settings (RESET) 68
the learned function from a key
or button 49
the macro (programmed series of
commands) 54
the Timer macro 64
Factory settings
Air-Slide list 26
Backlight 32
Components list 13
Controlling the volume of visual
components 57
Erasing all the settings (Reset) 68
Preset functions of each components 76
XPRESS list 21
Help 20
Hold function 33
the AX Remote Editor 16
the batteries 10
the USB driver 17
Label 65
LCD display
calibrating the alignment 39
default backlight settings 32
full display 92
setting the automatic-off time 37
setting the backlight 34
setting the contrast 40
Learning function 47
LIGHT button 9, 32
Location and function of controls 8
Locking the controls (Hold function) 33
System Control macro 31, 51
Timer macro 29, 59
XPRESS macro activation 56
MORE button 9, 31
MUTING button 9, 29
On-PC Setup
connecting the Remote Commander 19
installing the AX Remote Editor 16
installing the USB driver 17
operating the XPRESS function 23
setting procedure 14
starting up AX Remote Editor 20
using AX Remote Editor Help 20
ways to make settings for the Remote
Commander 13
On-Remote Setup
operating the XPRESS function 24
setting by On-Remote Setup 45
setting procedure 15
ways to make settings for the Remote
Commander 13
P, R
connecting the Remote Commander 19
installing the AX Remote Editor 16
installing the USB driver 17
On-PC Setup 14
starting up AX Remote Editor 20
using AX Remote Editor Help 20
Preset codes 45
Preset functions 76
Programming a series of commands
System Control macro 51
Timer macro 59
Reset 68