24 Watching TV
If you change channel, the PVR will discard the information
on its disk, and startrecording the new channel, so ifyou swap
channels during the ads, you won’t be able to rewind when go
back to the previous channel. Since looking at other channels
in the EPG changes channel, it also clears the time shift infor-
While the Rewind function is useful, the fastest speed is only
three times normal. If you want to go back a long way, it’s
quicker to use the Progress bar instead.
Press the and you’ll see something like this on the screen.
The Progress bar is the bar in the
box at the top of the screen, and
the yellow area represents the
information thats saved on the
hard disk.
You use the Rewind and Fast Forward keys to move along the
progress bar quickly, so you could go right back to the begin-
ning, for example, if someone else has come into the room and
wants to view the programme you’re watching, or use Fast
Forward until you catch up with live TV.
Press Play again to hide the progress bar. You can also access
the Progress bar directly by holding down the Rewind or Fast
Forward keys.
At any time, if you decideyou wantto jumpstraight to live TV,
just press the button. You’ll see the Live message appear,
and you’ll now be watching at the same time as everyone else.