2.3 Time Shift television 25
2.3.2 Pausing TV
Rewinding is useful to see something again, but if you don’t
want to miss something, press the button instead. You’ll
see a pause symbol appear at the top right of the display, and
a counter showing you how far behind live TV you are.
When you want to carry on watching, just press Pause again,
or press Play, and you can carry on from where you left.
You’re now watching time-shifted TV, and you can use the fast
forward and rewind buttons, just as we described above. Press
the Stop button at any time, or use Fast Forward, to return to
live TV.
Why not press Pause when your favourite programme starts,
then go and put the kettle on? When you’ve made your drink,
press Play to start watching, and then Fast Forward through
the ad breaks, until you’ve caught up with live TV again.
Note that time shifting is not possible if your box is watch-
ing a third channel while recording two others at the same
time, since that would require a third recording to be made.
Now that you know how to watch TV, and use the PVR to time
shift live TV, turn to the next chapter, where we’ll explain how
you can schedule and play back recordings of programmes.