Programming the VT1422A for Data Acquisition and Control 109Chapter 4
To set channels 0 through 9 to output 30 µA and channels 10 through 19 to
output 488 µA:
OUTP:CURR 30e-6,(@100:109)
OUTP:CURR 488e-6,(@110:119)
separate command per
output level
or combine into a single command message:
OUTP:CURR 30e-6,(@100:109);CURR 488e-6,(@110:119)
NOTE The OUTPut:CURRent:AMPLitude command is only for programming
excitation current used in resistance measurement configurations. It is does
not program output DAC SCPs like the VT1532A.
Setting the VT1511A
Strain Bridge SCP
Excitation Voltage
The VT1511A Strain Bridge Completion SCP has a programmable bridge
excitation voltage source. The command to control the excitation supply is
OUTPut:VOLTage:AMPLitude <amplitude>,(@<ch_list>)
• The <amplitude> parameter can specify 0, 1, 2, 5, or 10 volts for the
VT1511A’s excitation voltage.
• The <ch_list> parameter specifies the SCP and bridge channel
excitation supply that will be programmed. There are four excitation
supplies in each VT1511A.
To set the excitation supplies for channels 0 through 3 to output 2 volts:
OUTP:VOLT:AMPL 2,(@100:103)
NOTE The OUTPut:VOLTage:AMPLitude command is only for programming
excitation voltage used measurement configurations. It is does not program
output DAC SCPs like the VT1531A.
Linking Input
Channels to EU
This step links each of the module’s channels to a specific measurement type.
For analog input channels this "tells" the on-board control processor which
EU conversion to apply to the value read on any channel. The processor is
creating a list of conversion types vs. channel numbers. The commands for
linking EU conversion to channels are:
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:RESistance <excite_current>,[<range>,]
(@<ch_list>) for resistance measurements
… <excite_current>,[<range>,]
(@<ch_list>) for strain bridge measurements