Programming the VT1422A & VT1529A/B for Remote Strain Measurement 87Chapter 3
6. Turn on excitation voltage to the strain bridges with the
SENSe:STRain:EXCitation:STATe ON,(@<ch_list>) command.
7. Use the ROUTe:SEQuence:DEFine (@<ch_list>) command to
define the scan list to measure the output voltage at each strain bridge.
The <ch_list> specified here must match the <ch_list> specified in
the two previous steps (measuring unstrained and excitation voltages).
8. Start the measurement scan with the INIT command. The default
trigger system settings will execute a single measurement scan.
During the scan, each channel reading is sent to the FIFO and CVT.
The readings are then retrieved and used to calculate the strain for
each channel using the excitation, unstrained, and strained voltage
Figure 3-18 shows the sequence of commands to convert bridge voltage
measurements to strain by post-processing.