VT1422A Command Reference 291Chapter 7
Subsystem Syntax FETCh? returns readings stored in VME memory.
Comments • This command is only available in systems using an Agilent/HP E1405B/06A
command module.
• FETCH? does not alter the readings stored in VME memory. Only the *RST
or INIT… commands will clear the readings in VME memory.
• The format of readings returned is set using the FORMat[:DATA] command.
• Returned Value: REAL,32, REAL,64, and PACK,64, readings are returned in
the IEEE-488.2-1987 Definite Length Arbitrary Block Data format. This data
return format is explained in “Arbitrary Block Program and Response Data” on
page 233. For REAL,32, readings are 4 bytes in length. For REAL 64 and PACK,
64, readings are 8 bytes in length.
• PACKed,64 returns the same values as REAL,64 except for Not-a-Number
(NaN), IEEE +INF, and IEEE -INF. The NaN, IEEE +INF, and IEEE -INF values
returned by PACKed,64 are in a form compatible with Workstation BASIC and
BASIC/UX. Refer to the FORMat command for the actual values for NaN, +INF
and -INF.
• ASCii is the default format.
• ASCII readings are returned in the form ±1.234567E±123. For example,
13.325 volts would be +1.3325000E+001. Each reading is followed by a
comma (,). A line feed (LF) and End-Or-Identify (EOI) follow the last reading.
• Related Commands: MEMory Subsystem, FORMat[:DATA]
• *RST Condition: MEMORY:VME:ADDRESS 240000;