VT1422A Command Reference 415Chapter 7
Command Quick Reference
STATus (continued)
:QUEStionable Questionable Data Status Group: Bit assignments; 8=Calibration Lost,
9=Trigger Too Fast, 10=FIFO Overflowed, 11=Over voltage, 12=VME
Memory Overflow, 13=Setup Changed.
:CONDition? Returns state of Questionable Status signals
:ENABle <enable_mask> Bits set to 1 enable status events to be summarized into Status Byte
:ENABle? Returns the decimal weighted sum of bits set in the Enable register
[:EVENt]? Returns weighted sum of bits that represent Questionable Data events
:NTRansition <transition_mask> Sets mask bits to enable pos. Condition Reg. transitions to Event reg
:NTRansition? Returns positive transition mask value
:PTRansition <transition_mask> Sets mask bits to enable neg. Condition Reg. transitions to Event reg
:PTRansition? Returns negative transition mask value
:CTYPe? (@<channel>) Returns the identification of the SCP at <channel>
:ERRor? Returns one element of the error queue "0" if no errors
:VERSion? Returns the version of SCPI this instrument complies with
:COUNt <trig_count> Specify the number of trigger events that will be accepted
:COUNt? Returns the current trigger count setting
[:IMMediate] Triggers instrument when TRIG:SOUR is TIMer or HOLD (same as *TRG
and IEEE 488.1 GET commands.
:SOURce BUS | EXT | HOLD | IMM | SCP | TIMer | TTLTrg<n> Specify the source of instrument triggers
:SOURce? Returns the current trigger source
:TIMer Sets the interval between scan triggers when TRIG:SOUR is TIMer
[:PERiod] <trig_interval> Sets the interval between scan triggers when TRIG:SOUR is TIMer
[:PERiod]? Returns setting of trigger timer
SCPI Command Quick Reference
Command Description