462 Error Messages Chapter B
3138 'VT1539A SCP channel 1 not responding.' Indicates a
communications error between the VT1539A SCP and
a Remote Signal Conditioning Unit connected to the
SCP’s channel 1 input. Check the Data Interface
connection as well as the power connection to
that RSCU.
3140 'VT1529A/B data not received properly, cable
3141 'Gain of 0.0 not allowed for VT1529A/B channel.'
3142 'Custom EU out of date, bridge connection was
EXC when created, now is BRID.'
3143 'Custom EU out of date, bridge connection was
DRID when created, now is EXC.'
3144 'Channels 15722 to 15731 illegal to send to CVT.'
Only 502 CVT elements for 512 channels so highest
10 channels can’t be stored in CVT, use FIFO instead.
See “ROUTe:SEQuence:DEFine” on page 323.
3145 'Shunt ON/OFF allows only a single channel per
VT1529A/B.' The shunt cal resistor in a VT1529A/B
can only be connected to one channel at a time.
The <ch_list> in the OUTPut:SHUNT contained
references to more than one channel on the same
3146 'Communication error reading VT1529A/B calibration
constants, defaults used.'
3147 'Checksum error reading VT1529A/B calibration
constants, defaults used.' Do CAL:REMote? and
CAL:REM:STORe on the affected VT1529A/B.