Mitsubishi Electronics WS-55513 Projection Television User Manual

Standard Standby Supplies
Two Standby supplies are generated directly from
T9A20, 12VS and 6VS. Both of these supplies are
directed to the DM module, and are denoted as 12V-
DM and 6V-DM.
A 30VS supply is derived from the 12VS source using
voltage doubler circuitry, comprised of D9A31, D9A32,
C9A32 and C9A27. The resulting 30VS is the source
for a 28V-DM supply.
Standby Power Distribution
Figure 3-6 illustrates the Standby Power Distribution.
As mentioned earlier, the 12VS is source for 12V-
DM,and through the Voltage Doubler circuitry is the
source for 30VS and 28-DM supplies. The 12VS is
also directed to Horizontal Drive Circuitry and is the
Start-up voltage source for the Switched Supply Regu-
In addition to being the 6V-DM source, the 6VS sup-
ply supplies power for CRT Protect circuitry, and is the
source for the 3.3V-1 and 5V-2 supplies.
Time Shift Recording Power
The Time Shift Record Supplies are switched supplies
derived from the Standby 12VS supply. They are acti-
vated during Time Shift Recording and when the PTV is
switched On. The Time Shift Power Supply circuit is
shown if Figure 3-7.
The supply is activated by the PON-1 command from
the Control Circuitry. When Off, the PON-1 line is
low, holding Q921 On, which holds Q9A20 Off by pull-
ing its Gate low.