Table of Contents
Basic Editing ........................................... 65
Labelling a title (Title Name)........................ 65
Protecting a title (Protect)............................ 65
Erasing a title (Erase).................................. 66
Erasing multiple titles (Erase Titles)............ 66
Erasing a section of a title (A-B Erase) ....... 67
Creating chapters manually......................... 68
Advanced Editing (Playlist Edit) ............ 68
Creating a Playlist title from other titles....... 68
Moving a Playlist title (Move)....................... 71
Dividing a Playlist title (Divide) .................... 71
Combining multiple Playlist titles
(Combine).............................................. 72
Additional Playlist edit functions.................. 72
Labelling, Protecting, or Finalizing a
Disc ..................................................... 73
Labelling a disc (Disc Name)....................... 73
Protecting a disc (Protect Disc)................... 73
Finalizing a disc (Finalize)........................... 74
Erasing all the titles on the disc
(Erase All).............................................. 74
Reformatting a disc (Format)....................... 75
Settings and Adjustments
About the Setup Display Structure ....... 76
Using the Setup Displays ....................... 77
Settings (Basic Settings) ........................ 78
Video Settings ......................................... 81
Audio Settings ......................................... 83
Features Settings .................................... 84
Options Settings ..................................... 86
Easy Setup
(Resetting the Recorder) ................... 87
Additional Information
Troubleshooting ...................................... 88
Self-diagnosis Function
(When letters/numbers appear in the
display) ............................................... 92
Specifications .......................................... 93
Glossary ................................................... 94
Language Code List ................................ 95
Index ......................................................... 96
Quick Guide to DVD Disc Types
............................................... Back cover