Teledyne API Model 100AH SO
Analyzer Instruction Manual, 02417, Rev. D
Check the TEST functions:
1. Compare the TEST functions to the factory values in Table 2-1. This will often provide
important clues as to the problem.
2. Check for the sign of the drift, particularly the slope and offset readings:
The slopes are the software equivalent of the span pot on an analog instrument. If the slopes
are not 1.0 ± 0.2, the gain has changed, usually from:
A. Possible causes for the drift or change of the slope are:
1) PMT HVPS change
2) Incorrect span gas concentration
3) Pneumatic leak such as sample filter, pneumatic lines, reaction cell, etc.
4) UV Lamp output change
5) Reaction cell pressure change
B. Possible causes for the drift or change of offset are:
1) Pneumatic leak
2) Light leak
3) UV filter damaged
4) Incorrect zero gas
3. Incorrect span gas concentration - this could come either from the calibrator or entering
the expected span gas concentration in the M100AH incorrectly. See Table 8-3.
4. If the instrument does not respond to span gas, check Section 10.2.3.
The above should get you started in diagnosing and troubleshooting the most common faults. If
these reasons have been eliminated, the next thing to do is a Factory Calibration covered in Section
10.1.6 or check Section 10.2 for other fault diagnosis. If difficulties persist contact our service
department. The 800 telephone number is on the cover page of this manual.