Teledyne API Model 100AH SO
Analyzer Instruction Manual, 02417, Rev. D
7.8 VARIABLES Commands and Messages
Table 7-13: RS-232 Operating Modes
Mode Description
ZERO CAL A Automatic zero calibration
ZERO CAL R Remote zero calibration
ZERO CAL M Manual zero calibration
SPAN CAL A Automatic span calibration
SPAN CAL R Remote span calibration
SPAN CAL M Manual span calibration
M-P CAL Manual multi-point calibration
DIAG ELEC Electrical diagnostic test
DIAG OPTIC Optical diagnostic test
DIAG AOUT D/A output diagnostic test
DIAG Main diagnostic menu
DIAG I/O Signal I/O diagnostic
DIAG RS232 RS232 output diagnostic
DIAG ERASE Memory erase diagnostic
SETUP x.x Setup mode (x.x is software version)
SAMPLE A Sampling; automatic cal. Enabled
SAMPLE Sampling; automatic cal. Disabled
The M100AH operational modes are listed above. To list the analyzer's current mode type:
V MODE Lists M100AH current operational mode
Model 100AH Internal Variables
The M100AH has a number of internal setup variables. Essentially all of these are set at time of
manufacture and should not need to be changed in the field. A list of user accessible variables is
shown in Table 10-5.
A list of variables and their settings can be requested over the RS-232 port by:
V LIST Lists internal variables and values