A P P E N D I X AIntel® NetStructure™ 7190 Multi-Site Traffic Director User Guide
NCA (Network Configuration Application)
This process is in charge of connecting to and talking to the agents
resident on the 7140/7170 or 7180 devices. It also connects to and
talks to the dns server and the backed process. It is the NCA that
updates configuration information of the dns server every time user
types a commit command.
Some of the messages that are logged by the NCA are:
Aug 2 12:13:27 madagascar NCA: NCA has
This message is displayed when NCA tries to establish connection to
an agent on the specified port.
Aug 2 12:13:27 madagascar NCA: Connection
established to address on port
When connection to an agent fails the following message is
Aug 3 01:27:23 fox NCA: >>> Error: Connection
to address on port 2037 has
Other major errors include the following:
This message is displayed when a socket connection failed to
establish. The “code” is an internal error code.
Aug 3 01:27:23 fox NCA: >>> Error: Failed to
establish on port 2000, code: 61.
This message is displayed when NCA process could not allocate
memory for its internal use.
Aug 3 01:27:23 fox NCA: >>> Error: could not
allocate memory. Bytes requested: 1024.
Log messages are also generated when switching between primary
and secondary mode, and when getting new configuration from the
primary 7190.
This process is the bridge between the front end CLI command
handler and the DNS server. All information goes through backend.
Backend writes to the log only on two occasions.
When the process is started / restarted
Aug 2 12:13:32 madagascar WDOG: 7190 Backend