G L O S S A R Y Intel® NetStructure™ 7190 Multi-Site Traffic Director User Guide
Load Balancer Intel® 7140, 7170 or 7180
Load Balancing The distribution of processing and communications activity across a
computer network so that no single device is overwhelmed. Load
balancing is particularly important for networks on which it is
difficult to predict the volume of requests likely to be issued to a
server. Busy Web sites typically employ two or more Web servers in
load balancing roles.
MIB Management Information Base. A repository of characteristics and
parameters managed in a network device, such as a NIC, hub, switch,
or router.
NAT Network Address Translation. This function is usually performed by
firewalls to hide internal network addresses from the outside world.
This technique is often used when a large pool of users on a local
network are sharing a small pool IP addresses that are valid to the
outside world. Firewalls performing NAT are unable to determine the
proper translation for packets originating from outside that they have
no knowledge of an internal packet being sent to.
NIC Network Interface Card. The attachment that connects a device to a
network by executing the code needed by the connected device to
share a cable or some other media with other stations.
Port The service port associated with a service.
Primary and
Secondary 7190s
The initial 7190 configuration is performed on a primary 7190, and is
then automatically transferred (copied) to any 7190s designated as
secondaries. This process is called Global Sync.
Peer A secondary 7190 that has been committed.
Service A service is an application protocol that is offered on a network. The
device where the service is running is identified by an IP address. A
port is used to identify the protocol at the designated IP address.
Services contain an IP address and a port. For example, describes a service consisting of a server's HTTP
application listening on port 80.
Server Response Time This algorithm directs requests to the site with the fastest aggregate
(i.e., across all servers) response time for the requested VIP. The 7190
knows about all of the VIPs for a particular site and knows which one
is performing best at that moment.
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol.