C H A P T E R 6Intel® NetStructure™ 7190 Multi-Site Traffic Director User Guide
• Type help <command> for a description of a specific command
or, if relevant, a list of sub-commands you can enter from within
• Type? to display a path list of commands and parameters
available from the current prompt or <command> forward.
• Typing? or help as one of a command’s parameters, i.e.,
<command>, displays help regarding the parameters available
for <command>.
Command Line Syntax
The CLI uses the following syntax:
Angled brackets (<>)
Angled brackets designate where you enter variable parameters.
Straight brackets ([ ])
Choices of parameters appear between straight brackets, separated by
vertical bars.
Braces ({})
Optional commands or parameters appear between braces.
Commands shown as they are entered after the CLI prompt appear in
bold type. (The prompt appears in normal typeface to distinguish it
from the command text.)
Vertical bar (|)
Separates choices of input parameters within straight brackets. You
may choose only one of a set of choices separated by the vertical bar.
(Do not include the vertical bar in the command.)
Command Line Syntax