C H A P T E R 6Intel® NetStructure™ 7190 Multi-Site Traffic Director User Guide
Displays the 7190’s routing tables.
Tests the network connection to another networking device. It
sends an ICMP packet from the 7190 to the target device; when it
receives the packet, it sends a ping reply. When the 7190 receives
the reply, it displays a message indicating that the specified IP
address is alive. If the unit receives no reply, it displays a message
indicating that the target device is not responding.
ping <ipaddress | hostname>
ipaddress is the IP address of the other networking device.
hostname is the host name of the other networking device.
Exits the current session.
Reboots the 7190.
Returns the configuration to the last committed configuration.
NOTE: Only those
parameters set within the
CLI are affected.
Resets the 7190 to its original factory configuration. Original
factory settings are listed below.
Networking parameters controlled through the Boot Monitor are
not affected by the factory-default command.
CLI factory settings:
• Entire DNS configuration is deleted.
• 7190 is set to primary.
• Telnet port is set to 23.
• Prompt is reset to product name.
• Maximum Telnet sessions is set to 0.
• Idle timeout is set to 900 seconds.
• Maximum login attempts is set to 3.
Starts the Quick Start Wizard, which is an automated, interactive
system configuration tool.
toplevel (also box)
Changes the prompt level to the system top or box level.
Command Description
Global System Commands