Intel 7190 Satellite TV System User Manual

C H A P T E R 6Intel® NetStructure 7190 Multi-Site Traffic Director User Guide
Global System Commands
Command Description
Displays all the commands at the command level.
! (also h, history)
Displays the command history.
n is the command index number from history list.
Repeats the last command.
Displays 7190s ARP table.
back (also ..)
Moves up one level in the CLI command tree.
box (also top)
Moves back to the beginning (root level) of the CLI branch
command tree.
commit all
Saves changes and informs the DNS server of new
configurations. It writes all changes to the disk and propagates the
configurations to the secondary 7190s.
commit local
Saves configuration information on the local 7190 only (i.e., no
information migrates to the secondary 7190s on the network.)
This command is useful for testing new configurations.
Global System Commands