ZT 7102 Chassis Management Module
Health Event Strings
Technical Product Specification 75
Note: In the CMM Redundancy and Failover event strings, the phrases “bad switch” and “switch failure”
refer to the switch that is associated with that CMM having deasserted its HEALTHY# signal. The
“bad hardware signal” refers to the CMM itself having deasserted its HEALTHY# signal.
"Failover occurred because the other CMM rebooted." 223 OK
"Failover cannot occur because the other CMM has a bad switch." 224 OK
"Failover cannot occur because the other CMM has lost network
connectivity with its Primary SNMP trap destination."
225 OK
"Failover cannot occur because the other CMM has critical health
226 OK
"Failover cannot occur because the other CMM is not responding
over its management bus."
227 OK
"Failover cannot occur because the critical items have not been
228 OK
“Failover cannot occur because the other CMM has a bad hardware
229 OK
“Failover occurred because the active CMM had older firmware than
the newly active CMM.”
240 OK
Table 39. CMM File Sync Event Strings (CMM File Sync)
Event String Event Code
If HealthEvents, its
"Could not copy the /etc/CMM.cfg file to the standby CMM." 230 OK
"Could not copy the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files to the standby
231 OK
“Default password files synced to active CMM. Passwords have been
reset to default.”
232 OK
"Could not copy the /etc/sel_* files to the standby CMM." 233 OK
"Could not copy the /etc/snmpd.conf and /etc/var/snmpd.conf files to
the standby CMM."
234 OK
"Could not copy the SDR file to the standby CMM." 235 OK
"Could not copy the /etc/scripts directory to the standby CMM." 236 OK
"All files successfully synced." 237 OK
Table 40. Chassis Sensor Event Strings
Event String Event Code Event Severity
“No PCI connectivity record found in chassis FRU information.” 256 Critical
“cmm.sif file not found. Cannot scan CMM sensors.” 257 Critical
“chassis.sif file not found. Cannot scan Chassis sensors.” 258 Critical
Table 38. CMM Failover Event Strings (CMM Failover)
Event String Event Code Event Severity