ZT 7102 Chassis Management Module
Fan Control and Monitoring
92 Technical Product Specification
Note: Once the CMM automatically drives the fan speeds to 100 percent because of one of the above
health events, it is still possible to set the fan speeds to 80 or 0 through the supported interfaces
(CLI, etc). Once the automatic override of the fan speeds has been deactivated by resetting the fan
speed to 80 or 0, the fans will remain at the newly set speed even after the condition that caused the
automatic override has cleared.
17.3 Querying Fan Tray Sensors
To query the fan trays and fan tray sensors, use fantrayN as the location (-l) of the cmmget
command, where N is the number of the fan tray being queried. For example, to query the current
value of FANTK1 on fantray1, issue the command:
cmmget -l fantray1 -t “FANTK1” -d current