ZT 7102 Chassis Management Module
Slot Power Control
80 Technical Product Specification
The maximum power-up attempts variable is used to configure the number of times the CMM will
attempt to power on a board during the power sequencing loop. Once the maxpowerupattempts is
exceeded for a particular board, the CMM will no longer attempt to power on the board by
asserting the BD_SEL# signal during the power sequencing loop.
Setting these variables applies to the entire chassis, not just a single board or slot.
12.5.1 Retrieving the Healthy# Ramp-Up Time
Issuing the following command will retrieve the value configured in the CMM for the maximum
amount of time the CMM will wait for the HEALTHY # hardware signal to be asserted by an SBC.
cmmget -l chassis -d healthyrampuptime
This returns the time (in seconds) the CMM will wait for an SBC to generate the HEALTHY#
hardware signal for ALL node slots in the chassis. This time can range from 2 to 60 seconds. The
default is 2 seconds.
12.5.2 Setting the Healthy# Ramp-Up Time
The following command can be used to set the maximum amount of time in seconds the CMM will
wait for the HEALTHY# hardware signal to be asserted all SBCs in the chassis.
cmmset -l chassis -d healthyrampuptime -v [time]
Where time is a value between 2 and 60 seconds. The default is 2 seconds.
Setting this value applies to all boards in the chassis. For every newly inserted board, or every
board being powered on, the CMM will always wait the allotted healthyrampuptime, even if the
board asserts HEALTHY# before healthyrampuptime expires.
12.5.3 Retrieving the Maximum Power-Up Attempts
The following command is used to retrieve the configured value for the maximum number of tries
the CMM will attempt to power up a board during the power sequencing loop.
cmmget -l chassis -d maxpowerupattempts
The default value for maxpowerupattempts is -1, and indicates an infinite number of attempts will
be made by the CMM to power up boards in the chassis. This value applies to all boards in the
12.5.4 Setting the Maximum Power-Up Attempts
The following command is used to set the value for the he maximum number of tries the CMM will
attempt to power up boards in the chassis during the power sequencing loop.
cmmset -l chassis -d maxpowerupattempts -v “[# of attempts]”
Where # of attempts is the desired number of attempts the CMM should try to power up boards in
the chassis enclosed in quotes. The default is a value of “ -1” and indicates the CMM will try an
infinite number of times to power up boards.