ZT 7102 Chassis Management Module
Slot Power Control
Technical Product Specification 79
Board HEALTHY# signal is asserted
Board has been powered up by the CMM
Board is in active mode.
For further information on active and offline mode see Section 15.0, “Active vs. Offline Slots” on
page 87.
12.4 Controlling the Power State of a Slot
The CMM can power a slot off, on, reset the slot, or place a slot in an offline mode. Placing a slot
in offline mode allows the CMM to ignore the state of the HEALTHY# signal from that slot.
12.4.1 Powering Off a Board
The following command will power a board off:
cmmset -l bladeN -d powerstate -v poweroff
N is the number of the slot the blade to be powered down resides in. Once issued, the command
will ask for confirmation by entering “y” before continuing.
12.4.2 Powering On a Board
The following command will power a board on:
cmmset -l bladeN -d powerstate -v poweron
N is the number of the slot the blade to be reset resides in.
12.4.3 Resetting a Board
The following command will reset a board:
cmmset -l bladeN -d powerstate -v reset
N is the number of the slot the blade to be reset resides in. Once issued, the command will ask for
confirmation by entering “y” before continuing.
12.5 Power Sequencing Commands and Policies
The following section describes how to set and retrieve the HEALTHY# ramp up time and
maximum power up attempts for the chassis.
HEALTHY# ramp up time is used to determine the maximum amount of time the CMM will wait
for an SBC to generate the HEALTHY# hardware signal during the current power sequencing loop.
If the amount of time defined in the healthyrampuptime expires, the CMM deasserts BD_SEL# to
the slot, and continues through the power up sequence loop. For example, on initial power up, if the
healthyrampuptime is set to two seconds, a blade can be reset during its powerup sequence. If set to
60 seconds, a reset command won’t take effect until 60 seconds after power on in which time the
blade will typically be booted.