LG Electronics 120S Universal Remote User Manual

Chapter 8 Communication Functions
2) Setting frame
(1) Click “List” button to activate the following window.
(2) Select one of 115 in frame list to open the following window.
Frame specification
- Used in [Header] type.
- Possible characters, as headers are 1 alphabet letter, 1 numeric number, or control characters as below.
Available Control Code
NUL(H00) SOH(H01) STX(H02) ETX(H03) EOT(H04) ENQ(H05) ACK(H06) BEL(H07)
BS(H08) HT(H09) LF(H0A) VT(H0B) FF(H0C) CR(H0D) SO(H0E) S1(H0F)
DLE(H10) DC1(H11) DC2(H12) DC3(H13) DC4(H14) NAK(H15) SYN(H16) ETB(H17)
CAN(H18) EM(H19) SUB(H1A) ESC(H1B) FS(H1C) GS(H1D) RS(H1E) US(H1F)