Danaher Motion 07/06 Overview
M-S2-021-11 Initial Release 7
The drive supports the following network management functions:
cs = 129,
reset node
Causes a cold-start of the drive. This deletes all parameters saved in
the RAM and loads the values stored in the EEPROM.
cs = 130,
reset communication node
Causes a stop of PDO-communication, gives a new bootup-message
cs = 1,
start remote node:
Starts the CAN node. For example, the PDOs of the drive are
enabled for operation. From this moment, transmit-PDOs are
transmitted under event control, and cyclical process data operation
can commence.
cs = 2,
stop remote node
Stops the CAN node. The drive no longer responds to any received
PDOs or transmits any PDOs.
2.4.2. S
The SYNC object usually is used as a periodic Broadcast Object and provides the basic clock for the bus.
SYNC has a high priority, to ensure constant time intervals. The usage of this protocol is explained in the
application note CANOpen for S200: Setup and Application Examples. You can use the SYNC object to start
motion task of several axes simultaneously for example.
2.4.3. T
This communication object is not supported by the S200.
2.4.4. E
EMCY is event-triggered and generated by an internal fault/error situation. This object is transmitted afresh
for every error. Since the error codes are device-dependent, they are described in Emergency Messages. The
last 8 Emergency error codes can be read via SDO 1003.
Application of the Emergency Object
The reaction in the event of an error or fault depends on the error class and is therefore variable. For this
reason, the reaction is described with the aid of an error status machine. The error conditions error- free and
error occurred are distinguished.
error free
error occurred
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