
Configuration Parameters 07/06 Danaher Motion
26 Initial Release M-S2-021-11
Object Number
35F0 (hex) SETREF Command Set Reference Point
35FB (hex) STAT Variable ro Drive Status Word
35FD (hex) STATUS Variable ro Detailed Amplifier Status
35FE (hex) STOP Command Stop Motion Task
35FF (hex) STOPMODE Variable rw Brake Response for Disable
3600 (hex) SWCNFG Variable rw Configuration of software limit switches
3604 (hex) SWE1 Variable rw SW limit switch (smalest position)
3606 (hex) SWE2 Variable rw SW limit switch (biggest position)
360E (hex) T Command Digital Current Setpoint
3610 (hex) TEMPE Variable ro Ambient Temperature
3611 (hex) TEMPH Variable ro Heat Sink Temperature
3612 (hex) TEMPM Variable ro Motor Temperature
3613 (hex) TRJSTAT Variable ro Status2 Information
3617 (hex) UVLTMODE Variable rw Undervoltage Mode
3618 (hex) V Variable ro Actual Velocity
361A (hex) VBUS Variable ro DC-bus voltage
361B (hex) VBUSBAL Variable rw Maximum Line Voltage
361C (hex) VBUSMAX Variable ro Maximum DC-bus Voltage
361D (hex) VBUSMIN Variable rw Minimum DC-bus Voltage
361E (hex) VCMD Variable ro Internal Velocity Setpoint in RPM
3620 (hex) VEL0 Variable rw Standstill Threshold
3621 (hex) VJOG Variable rw Speed for Jog Mode
3622 (hex) VLIMP Variable rw Max. Velocity
3623 (hex) VLIMN Variable rw Max. Negative Velocity
3626 (hex) VMUL Variable rw Velocity Scale Factor
3627 (hex) VOSPD Variable rw Overspeed
3628 (hex) VREF Variable rw Speed for Homing
3629 (hex) VSCALE1 Variable rw SW1 Velocity Scaling Factor
362A (hex) VSCALE2 Variable rw SW2 Velocity Scaling Factor
362C (hex) DILIM Variable rw DPR current limit
362D (hex) DENA Variable rw DPR software disable reset mode
3630 (hex) INPT0 Variable rw In-Position Delay
3636 (hex) WPOS Variable ro Enable Position Registers
3637 (hex) SRND Variable rw Start Position of Modulo Axes
3638 (hex) ERND Variable rw End position of modulo axes
363C (hex) REFMODE Variable rw Source of the Zero Pulse in Homing Mode
363D (hex) VLO Variable rw Software Resolver/Digital Converter Feedforward
363E (hex) WMASK Variable rw Warning as Fault Mask
363F (hex) WPOSE Variable ro Enable Fast Position Registers 1 ... 16
3640 (hex) WPOSP Variable rw Polarity of Fast Position Registers 1 ... 16
3641 (hex) WPOSX Variable rw Mode of Fast Position Registers 1 ... 16
3642 (hex) MOVE Command Start Motion Task
3643 (hex) POSRSTAT Variable rw Status of Fast Position Registers 1 ... 16
3644 (hex) P1 Fast Position Register
3645 (hex) P2 Fast Position Register
3646 (hex) P3 Fast Position Register
3647 (hex) P4 Fast Position Register