
Chapter 3
Page 52
Using the System
Set a Manual Event Timer
Use a manual event timer to manually set the start and stop time of a
recording. This is useful for recording all of a sports event, even if it goes
into overtime. Or, you can record pa rt of a program, or several program s one
after the other.
Before you set a m anual timer, use the Program Guide or program lists
to f ind the start and end times you want to set.
•Youcan’t se t a m anual timer for a pa y per view program.
•Youmust set the end time after the start time, and se t the end time a t
least one m inute later than the start time.
Here’s what to do :
1. Press the MENU button.
2. Select the
Timers option.
This opens the
Event Timer Managem ent menu.
3. Select the
Create option.
This opens the
Create a Manual Event Timer menu.
Tip: You can
use Event
Timers to
automatical ly,
or you can set
event timer to
rec ord several
programs that
are on one
after another
on the same
chann el.