6-4 CG00000-011503 REV. A March 1997
6-2.1.3 EXCHANGE MEDIUM Sense Keys
One of the following sense keys may be returned if a CHECK CONDITION was indicated:
2h NOT READY Logical Unit is not ready (magazine not set or if set, then START button
not pressed or magazine not loaded via host command).
3h MEDIUM ERROR 1. Medium exchange failed due to synchronization failure.
2. An attempt was made to write 36-track data on 18-track formatted
4h HARDWARE ERROR Medium exchange failed due to hardware failure.
5h ILLEGAL REQUEST 1. If this command is received and the XCL (ACL or FACL) is not
attached, the target shall return CHECK CONDITION status and set
the sense key to ILLEGAL REQUEST.
2. If this command is received and the XCL (ACL or FACL) is not in
SYSTEM MODE, the target shall return CHECK CONDITION sta-
tus and set the sense key to ILLEGAL REQUEST.
3. If this command is received and the source element is empty or the
first destination element is empty, or the second destination element
(if different from the source element) is full, or the second destination
element (if the same as the source element) is empty, the target shall
return CHECK CONDITION status and set the sense key to ILLE-
4. The transport element address specifies the medium transport element
that is to be used in executing this command. The default transport
element address of zero may be used if this functionality is supported
by the medium changer device. If the transport element address speci-
fied has not been assigned or has been assigned to an element other
than a medium transport element, the target shall return CHECK
CONDITION status and the set the sense key to ILLEGAL
5. If this command is received and the source, first destination, or second
destination addresses are not valid element addresses, the target shall
return CHECK CONDITION status and the set the sense key to
6. If the device is an ACL and the source and second destination
addresses are the same (simple exchange), the target shall return
CHECK CONDITION status and the set the sense key to ILLEGAL
7. Reserved bit was found set in the CDB.
8. The Flag bit was set but the Link bit was not set.
6h UNIT ATTENTION Indicates the EXCHANGE MEDIUM command was not performed due
to one of the following:
1. A NOT READY TO READY transition has occurred.
2. The target has been reset.
3. The Mode parameters have been changed by another initiator.
4. The version of the microcode has been changed (microcode down-
5. A cartridge was loaded with a tape length that is too long or too short.