Rev. 1.0, 07/01, page 76 of 372
Table 6-3 Internal State in Each Operating Mode
Function Active Mode Sleep Mode
Mode Standby Mode
System clock oscillator Functioning Functioning Halted Halted Halted
Subclock oscillator Functioning Functioning Functioning Functioning Functioning
Instructions Functioning Halted Functioning Halted HaltedCPU
Registers Functioning Retained Functioning Retained Retained
RAM Functioning Retained Functioning Retained Retained
IO ports Functioning Retained Functioning Retained Register
contents are
retained, but
output is the
IRQ3 to IRQ0 Functioning Functioning Functioning Functioning FunctioningExternal
WKP5 to WKP0 Functioning Functioning Functioning Functioning Functioning
Timer A Functioning Functioning Functioning if the timekeeping time-base
function is selected, and retained if not selected
Timer V Functioning Functioning Reset Reset Reset
Timer W Functioning Functioning Retained(if internal clock
selected as a count clock, the
counter is incremented by a
Watchdog timer Functioning Functioning Retained(functioning if the internal oscillator is
selected as a count clock
SCI3 Functioning Functioning Reset Reset Reset
IIC2 Functioning Functioning Retained
Retained Retained
A/D converter Functioning Functioning Reset Reset Reset
Registers can be read or written in subactive mode.
6.2.1 Sleep Mode
In the sleep mode, CPU operation is halted but the on-chip peripheral modules function at the
clock frequency set by the MA2, MA1, and MA0 bits in SYSCR2. CPU register contents are
retained. When an interrupt is requested, the sleep mode is cleared and interrupt exception
handling starts. The sleep mode is not cleared if the I bit of the condition code register (CCR) is
set to 1 or the requested interrupt is disabled in the interrupt enable register. After the sleep mode
is cleared, a transition is made to active mode when the LSON bit in SYSCR2 is 0, and a transition
is made to subactive mode when the bit is 1.