Hitachi H*/3694F-ZTAT TV Mount User Manual

Rev. 1.0, 07/01, page 200 of 372
Table 14-5 SSR Status Flags and Receive Data Handling
SSR Status Flag
OER FER PER Receive Data Receive Error Type
1 1 0 0 Lost Overrun error
0 0 1 0 Transferred to RDR Framing error
0 0 0 1 Transferred to RDR Parity error
1 1 1 0 Lost Overrun error + framing error
1 1 0 1 Lost Overrun error + parity error
0 0 1 1 Transferred to RDR Framing error + parity error
1 1 1 1 Lost Overrun error + framing error +
parity error
Note: *The RDRF flag retains the state it had before data reception.
Table 14-5 shows the states of the SSR status flags and receive data handling when a receive error
is detected. If a receive error is detected, the RDRF flag retains its state before receiving data.
Reception cannot be resumed while a receive error flag is set to 1. Accordingly, clear the OER,
FER, PER, and RDRF bits to 0 before resuming reception. Figure 14-8 shows a sample flow chart
for serial data reception.