Rev. 71, 07/01, page 83 of 372
7.2.1 Flash Memory Control Register 1 (FLMCR1)
FLMCR1 is a register that makes the flash memory change to program mode, program-verify
mode, erase mode, or erase-verify mode. For details on register setting, refer to section 7.4, Flash
Memory Programming/Erasing.
Bit Bit Name Initial Value R/W Description
7— 0 — Reserved
This bit is always read as 0 and cannot be modified.
6 SWE 0 R/W Software Write Enable
When this bit is set to 1, flash memory
programming/erasing is enabled. When this bit is
cleared to 0, other FLMCR1 register bits and all
EBR1 bits cannot be set.
5 ESU 0 R/W Erase Setup
When this bit is set to 1, the flash memory changes to
the erase setup state. When it is cleared to 0, the
erase setup state is cancelled. Set this bit to 1 before
setting the E bit to 1 in FLMCR1.
4 PSU 0 R/W Program Setup
When this bit is set to 1, the flash memory changes to
the program setup state. When it is cleared to 0, the
program setup state is cancelled. Set this bit to 1
before setting the P bit in FLMCR1.
3 EV 0 R/W Erase-Verify
When this bit is set to 1, the flash memory changes to
erase-verify mode. When it is cleared to 0, erase-
verify mode is cancelled.
2 PV 0 R/W Program-Verify
When this bit is set to 1, the flash memory changes to
program-verify mode. When it is cleared to 0,
program-verify mode is cancelled.
1 E 0 R/W Erase
When this bit is set to 1 while SWE=1 and ESU=1,
the flash memory changes to erase mode. When it is
cleared to 0, erase mode is cancelled.
0 P 0 R/W Program
When this bit is set to 1 while SWE=1 and PSU=1,
the flash memory changes to program mode. When it
is cleared to 0, program mode is cancelled.