Rev. 1.0, 07/01, page 125 of 372
9.4.3 Pin Functions
The correspondence between the register specification and the port functions is shown below.
P76/TMOV pin
Register TCSRV PCR7
Bit Name OS3 to OS0 PCR76 Pin Function
Setting Value 0000 0 P76 input pin
1 P76 output pin
Other than
the above
X TMOV output pin
Legend X:Don't care.
P75/TMCIV pin
Register PCR7
Bit Name PCR75 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 P75 input/TMCIV input pin
1 P75 output/TMCIV input pin
P74/TMRIV pin
Register PCR7
Bit Name PCR74 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 P74 input/TMRIV input pin
1 P74 output/TMRIV input pin