Appendix AError Messages
Error message Action to be takenCause
Send time-out A transmission wait timeout error has
Increase the maximum node response
time and execute again.
That name exists The same file name exists on the data
disk, memory card, or hard disk. English
characters are not case-sensitive (for
example, LAN and lan are recognized as
the same name).
Specify another file name or save the file
on another data disk, memory card, or
hard disk (directory).
Unable to start due to insufficient
memory capacity. Processing
stopped. Press any key.
The amount of free memory space is
Check the amount of free memory space
and review the values set in FILES and
other parameters in CONFIG.SYS.
Write protected The data disk is write-protected (the hole
in the corner of the disk is uncovered).
Always use the data disk in
write-enabled state (with the hole
Wrong drive The specified drive name is incorrect. Check the drive name of the data disk,
memory card, or hard disk.
Wrong file name The specified file name is incorrect. Check the file name including the
extension, then specify the correct file
Wrong key
The entered data is wrong. Enter the correct data.
An invalid key was pressed. Press the correct key.
Wrong netwk number The number of networks specified in the
routing table is incorrect.
Specify the correct number of networks.
Wrong network type The specified network is not Controller
If the Controller Link Support Software is
running under Windows 95, there are too
many active applications running in the
The specified network is not Controller
If the Controller Link Support Software is
running under Windows 95, there are too
many active applications in background
Wrong path The specified path name is incorrect.
The data drive name specified in “Data
dsk drv” of the System Setup is
Check the path name of the data disk,
memory card, or hard disk.
Wrong position The cursor is in the wrong position. Move the cursor to the correct position.
Wrong setting The entered data is incorrect. Enter the correct data.