72 ST-133 Controller Manual Version 3.B
3. On the Setup menu select
Pulsers to open the Pulsers
dialog box.
4. Select PTG. Then click on the
Setup Pulser button. The PTG
dialog box (Figure 36) will open.
If PTG is grayed out on the
Pulsers dialog box, PTG support
has not been installed.
Figure 35. Pulsers Dialog Box
Figure 36. PTG Dialog Box
Triggers and Gating Setup
The remainder of the setup information is detailed in the PTG manual. Please refer to that
document when selecting trigger and gating modes and setting their respective timing
The kinds of experiments that can be performed with a PI-MAX camera and PTG are
shown in Figure 37. Of the many gated measurements that can be performed with a
PI-MAX and PTG, most will fall into one of the following categories:
• Static Gate: This type of experiment may also be referred to as "Repetitive-
Continuous". There is a repetitive trigger, and the Gate Width and Gate Delay are
fixed. Some variable in the experiment such as pressure, concentration, wavelength
or temperature is varied.