Equivalent Front-Panel Key Commands
The HOLD key is used to hold/resume all active measurements. There is no
equivalent GPIB command for the HOLD key. However, the functionality of the
HOLD key can be implemented remotely by using Single Triggering of
measurements. Refer to
“Triggering Measurements” on page 224.
The PREV key is used to display the previously displayed screen. There is no
equivalent GPIB command for the PREV key function.
The PRINT key is used to print a “pixel dump” of the currently displayed screen
to an external printer. There is no equivalent GPIB command to the PRINT key.
To print measurement results through GPIB, the program must query the
measurement and print the result in a format determined by the programmer.
The USER Keys k1 through k5 and k1' through k3' can be assigned to various Test
Set fields for operator convenience. There are no equivalent GPIB commands for
assigning Test Set fields to the USER keys. The IBASIC Programming language
ON KEY command could be used to force execution of a user written IBASIC
routine which emulates the user key to Test Set field assignment (while an
IBASIC program is running). Refer to the Instrument BASIC Users Handbook for
further information on the ON KEY command.