Chapter 6, Memory Cards/Mass Storage
DOS and LIF File System Considerations
The period (.) may appear in the name but only to separate the file name from the
extension. The period is not considered part of the file name itself. If the name
portion of a DOS file name is longer than 8 characters, it is truncated to 8
characters and no error is generated. Similarly, if the extension is longer than 3
characters, it is truncated to 3 characters and no error is given.
Test Set File Naming Conventions
The Test Set’s TESTS Subsystem uses the following file naming conventions:
•The c prefix is used to indicate a code file and is automatically prefixed onto the file
name when the program code file is stored for use by the TESTS susbsystem.
•The p prefix is used to indicate a procedure file and is prefixed onto the file name when
the file is stored by the TESTS Subsystem
•The l prefix is used to indicate a library file and is prefixed onto the file name when the
file is created by the Program Development System for use with the TESTS Subsystem
The Test Set’s Save/Recall register subsystem uses the following file naming
The _ prefix is used to indicate a stored Save/Recall register file and is prefixed
onto the file name when the file is created .
The Test Set’s Signaling Decoder in NMT mode uses the following file naming
•The n prefix is used to indicate a stored NMT file and is prefixed onto the file name
when the file is created .
Test Set File Entry Field Width
The TESTS Subsystem and the Save/Recall register subsystem have fields into
which the operator enters a file name. These fields are used by the operator to
enter the name of a file to be stored or loaded. The files accessed by these fields
have a one-character prefix of c, p, l, or _. The width of these fields is 9
characters. The prefix character + 9 characters = 10 characters, which conforms to
the LIF file system’s naming convention. Consequently these fields will hold a
file name which is longer than the 8 characters allowed by the DOS file system.