The Message Display
During instrument operation, various messages may appear on the Test Set’s display.
Prompt-type messages generally appear on the first line of the Test Set’s display. General
operating and error messages usually appear on the second line of the display. Some
messages are persistent; they remain displayed until the error condition no longer exists,
or until another persistent message with greater priority occurs. Other messages are only
displayed when the error first occurs; they are removed when a key is pressed or the knob
is turned, or when an GPIB command is received. Many of the messages are displayed on
the MESSAGE screen until the instrument is turned off.
Messages that are about error conditions may tell you what to do to correct the error (turn
something off, reduce a field’s value, press a certain key, and so forth). Messages and
prompts are sometimes accompanied by a beep or warble.
NOTE: Warbles and Beeps
A warble sound indicates that an instrument-damaging event is occurring. Beeps
often occur only with the first occurrence of the message. Prompts are generally