Chapter 6, Memory Cards/Mass Storage
DOS and LIF File System Considerations
Potential File Name Conflicts
Unexpected file operation can occur if proper consideration is not given to the
different file system naming conventions and the Test Set file entry field width.
• A full DOS file name is 12 characters (8 character file name + . + 3 character extension).
A full DOS file name will not fit in the Test Set’s file entry field.
• Trying to store a file to a LIF formatted media with a DOS file name that contains an
extension will generate ERROR 53 Improper file name.
• On a DOS formatted disk, any file beginning with the letter c (upper or lower case ) is
considered a TESTS Subsystem code file. On a LIF formatted disk any file beginning
with a lower case c is considered a TESTS Subsystem code file. If the TESTS
Subsystem attempts to retrieve a file which is not a code file, the following error will
be generated: Error reading code file. Check file and media.
• On a DOS formatted disk, any file beginning with the letter p (upper or lower case ) is
considered a TESTS Subsystem procedure file. On a LIF formatted disk, any file
beginning with a lower case p is considered a TESTS Subsystem procedure file. If the
TESTS Subsystem attempts to retrieve a file which is not a procedure file, the following
error will be generated: Error reading procedure file. Check file
and media.
• On a DOS formatted disk, any file beginning with the letter l (upper or lower case ) is
considered a TESTS Subsystem library file. On a LIF formatted disk, any file beginning
with a lower case l is considered a TESTS Subsystem library file. If the TESTS
Subsystem attempts to retrieve a file which is not a library file, the following error will
be generated: Error reading library file. Check file and media.
• When reading files from mass storage to either the TESTS Subsystem (procedure, code,
or library files) or the Save/Recall register Subsystem, the Test Set interprets the “.”
(period) as a delimiter and ignores any following characters. If TESTS Subsystem or
Save/Recall register subsystem files are stored to a DOS formatted media using file
extensions, the extensions will be stripped off by the Test Set before displaying the file
in the file list.
• When reading files from mass storage to either the TESTS Subsystem (procedure, code,
or library files) or the Save/Recall register subsystem, the Test Set strips the prefix
character (c, p, l, _) off the file name before displaying the file in the file list.
• When storing files to mass storage from either the TESTS Subsystem (procedure, code,
or library files) or the Save/Recall register subsystem, the Test Set puts the prefix
character (c, p, l, _) onto the file name, making the file name 1 character longer than
that displayed in the file name entry field. If the file is being stored to a DOS formatted
media (8-character file name) and the file name specified in the file name entry field is
8 characters (ABCDEFGH) the last character will be silently truncated when the file is
stored (PABCDEFG).