Chapter 7, IBASIC Controller
PROGram Subsystem
PROGram Subsystem Commands
See the syntax diagram, “Program” on page 159, for PROGram Subsystem
command syntax rules.
Command Notation
The following notation is used in the command descriptions:
Letter case (uppercase or lowercase) is used to differentiate between the short form (the
uppercase characters) and long form (the whole keyword) of the command.
The lower case letters in the keyword are optional; they can be deleted and the com-
mand will still be understood by the Test Set.
[] = Optional keyword; this is the default state, the Test Set will process the command
to have the same effect whether the optional keyword is included by the programmer or
<> = Specific SCPI-defined parameter types. Refer to the SCPI Standard for definitions
of the SCPI-defined parameter types.
{} = One or more parameters that must be included one or more times.
| = Separator for choices for a parameter. Can be read the same as “or.”
Command Descriptions
NOTE: When a PROGram Subsystem command is sent to the Test Set through GPIB from an
external controller the Test Set is put into REMOTE mode. The Test Set must be put in
LOCAL mode to use the front-panel keys or to use the serial ports to input data into the
IBASIC Command line.
All the commands under this keyword access the IBASIC program
currently resident in the Test Set. Note that this keyword is optional in the
command syntax.
:DEFine <program> The DEFine command is used to create and download an
IBASIC program into the Test Set from an external controller.
To download an IBASIC program, any currently resident IBASIC program must
first be deleted using the :DELete:ALL command. Attempting to download a new
IBASIC program while an IBASIC program is currently resident causes
IBASIC Error: -282 Illegal program name.