Chapter 7, IBASIC Controller
Interfacing to the IBASIC Controller using Serial Ports
5. Press Alt+S for the SETUP MENU.
6. Enter the number 1 for MODEM SETUP.
7. Enter the number 1 for the Modem init string.
8. Press Enter to set a null string.
9. Press Esc to exit MODEM SETUP back to the SETUP MENU.
10. Enter the number 2 for TERMINAL SETUP.
11. Terminal emulation: VT-100
Duplex: FULL
Flow Control: XON/XOFF
CR translation (in): CR
CR translation (out): CR
BS translation: NON-DEST
BS key definition: BS
Line wrap: ON
Scroll: ON
Break length (ms): 350
Enquiry (CNTL-E): OFF
12. Press Esc to exit Terminal Setup back to the Setup Menu.
13. Enter the number 4 for General Setup.
Translate Table: OFF
Alarm sound: OFF
Alarm time (secs): 1
Aborted downloads: KEEP
14. Press Esc to exit General Setup back to the Setup Menu.
15. On the Setup Menu, press S to save your entries.
16. Press Esc to exit the Setup Menu.
17. Press Alt+X to exit ProComm back to MS-DOS.