Chapter 7, IBASIC Controller
Choosing Your Development Method
Method 1
Using a BASIC language computer (either an Agilent technical computer or a PC
running BASIC with GPIB) is the best method for developing any size program.
This is because the program can be debugged directly on the external computer
before downloading the program into the Test Set. Using this approach the
programmer can observe the Test Set’s display to see changes in state and easily
verify the correct measurements.
Method 2
If a BASIC language computer is not available, program development can be
done directly on the Test Set using the IBASIC EDIT mode. A PC connected to
the Test Set through RS-232, as described earlier in this chapter, is used as the
CRT and keyboard for the internal controller. In this method, the program always
resides in the Test Set and can be run at any time. Mass storage is usually an
SRAM card. When running IBASIC programs on the Test Set’s internal
controller, the Test Set displays only the IBASIC screen, not the individual
instrument screens as the program executes. This makes troubleshooting larger
programs more difficult.
Method 3
The third method of program development is to use a word processor on a PC with
RS-232, and then download the program into the Test Set for execution. This is
the least favorable choice for development because downloading code into the
Test Set over RS-232 requires a loader utility program running in the Test Set and
a RAM memory card present as an intermediate storage location before running
the program. (For shorter programs, the intermediate storage location is not
necessary.) No IBASIC command syntax is checked until the program is run after
downloading. Also, when running IBASIC programs on the Test Set’s internal
controller, the Test Set displays only the IBASIC screen, not the individual
instrument screens as the program executes. This makes troubleshooting larger
programs more difficult.