Memory Cards/Mass Storage
This chapter contains information about using the mass storage devices available in the
Test Set for storing and retrieving program and data files. Access to the mass storage
devices in the Test Set was designed primarily for the built-in IBASIC Controller. The
Test Set’s mass storage devices are not directly accessible by an external controller. The
programming examples used in this chapter apply only to the Test Set’s built-in IBASIC
NOTE: Indirect access to the Test Set’s mass storage devices is available through the
PROGram:EXECute command. Refer to the Standard Commands for Programmable
Instruments (SCPI) for generic information on the PROGram:EXECute command.
The IBASIC programming examples are provided to assist the programmer in
understanding the use of the Test Set’s mass storage devices. They are not
intended to be a comprehensive description of the IBASIC mass storage
commands and procedures. For detailed information on IBASIC commands,
refer to the Instrument BASIC User’s Handbook.