Chapter 7, IBASIC Controller
PROGram Subsystem
Example setting the value of a two dimensional array [Array(1,2)] with 6 elements
OUTPUT 714;"PROGram:SELected:NUMBer Array,0,1,2,3,4,5"
OUTPUT 714;"PROG:NUMB Array,0,1,2,3,4,5"
Arrays are filled by varying the right-most dimension the fastest. After executing the above
statement the array values would be, Array(0,0)=0, Array(0,1)=1, Array(0,2)=2,
Array(1,0)=3, Array(1,1)=4, Array(1,2)=5.
NOTE: Individual array elements cannot be set with the :NUMBer command.
:NUMber? <varname>
The :NUMBer? query command is used to return, to an
external controller, the current value of numeric variables or arrays in an IBASIC
program in the Test Set. <varname> is the name of an existing numeric variable or
array in the IBASIC program, and can be sent as either character data (name not
enclosed in quotes) or string data (name enclosed in quotes).
NOTE: Attempting to send a <var_name> longer than 12 characters as character data (<var_name>
not enclosed in quotes) will generate the following error:
If the variable name <var_name> is longer than 12 characters it must be sent as
string data (<var_name> enclosed in quotes). For example, OUTPUT
714;"PROG:NUMB ’Var_name’".
HP-IB Error: -112 Program mnemonic too long.
For simple variables the value is returned as a series of ASCII characters
representing a numeric value in scientific notation (+3.00000000000E+000). For
arrays the values are returned as a comma separated list of ASCII characters
representing a numeric value in scientific notation. For example,
+3.00000000000E+000,+3.00000000000E+000,+3.00000000000E+000, etc.
Array values are sent by varying the rightmost dimension of the array the fastest.
If an attempt is made to query the value of a numeric variable or array and no
IBASIC program is in the Test Set an
IBASIC Error: -283 Illegal
variable name
is generated. If an attempt is made to query the value of a
numeric variable or array and the variable specified in <varname> does not exist
in the program an
IBASIC Error: -283 Illegal variable name is