Chapter 7, IBASIC Controller
Method #3. Developing Programs Using Word Processor on a PC (Least Preferred)
Writing Lines of IBASIC Code on a Word Processor
When writing IBASIC programs, follow these steps to ensure that the Test Set
will accept the code when it is downloaded.
1. Always begin new lines at the far left margin. Never use a leading space or tab.
2. Number each consecutive line just like an IBASIC language program.
3. Typically begin with 10 and increment by ten for each consecutive line.
4. Do not leave any space or double space between lines.
5. Make sure to use hard carriage return / line feeds at the end of each line.
6. When saving the completed program, save it as an ASCII file. Some word processors
have ASCII options which require that the user specify CR/LF at the end of each line.
It is important that each line end with a carriage return / line feed.
7. Experiment with a short program first to make sure everything is working correctly.