Chapter 7, IBASIC Controller
The TESTS Subsystem
To access any of these screens, position the cursor on the desired field and push
the rotary knob.
•The Order of Tests screen lets the user select the desired test(s) from the full set of
available tests in the loaded procedure file.
•The Channel Information screen defines the transmit and receive frequencies used for
the selected tests.
•The Pass/Fail Limits screen defines the specifications used to generate pass/fail
messages during testing.
•The Test Parameters screen is used to define instrument settings and characteristics to
match those of the radio being tested (audio load impedance, audio power, power
supply voltage).
•The External Devices screen identifies all connected GPIB equipped instruments and
their GPIB addresses.
•The Save/Delete Procedure screen is used to save or delete Procedures.
•The Printer Setup screen is used to select the printer used for IBASIC PRINT
commands and to configure the format of the printer page.
•The Execution Cond screen is used to configure the IBASIC program execution
•The IBASIC Cntrl screen is the IBASIC Controllers display screen.
Refer to the TESTS screen descriptions in the Test Set User’s Guide for
information concerning how the different TESTS Subsystem screens are used.
The use of the IBASIC Controller screen is described in the beginning of this