Chapter 7, IBASIC Controller
Method #2. Developing Programs on the Test Set Using the IBASIC EDIT Mode
Selecting the IBASIC Command Line Field
To use the IBASIC EDIT Mode for program development, the IBASIC Command
field must be displayed on the Test Set and Serial Port 9 must be connected
to the
IBASIC Command Line field. An IBASIC command, sent as a series of
ASCII characters through Serial Port 9, will appear on the
IBASIC Command
field. When a carriage return/line feed is encountered, the Test Set will
attempt to execute the command. To display the
IBASIC Command Line field on
the Test Set execute the following steps:
1. Press the TESTS key.
2. The TESTS (Main Menu) screen will be displayed.
3. Using the rotary knob, position the cursor on the IBASIC Cntrl field and select it.
4. The TESTS (IBASIC CONTROLLER) screen will be displayed.
5. The small horizontal rectangle at the top-left is the IBASIC Command Line .
To Access the IBASIC Command Line Field
1. Position the cursor on the screen’s upper left. This is the IBASIC Command Line
2. The IBASIC Command Line field does not have a title like other fields in the Test
Set; it is the highlighted, horizontal 2-line “bar” just below the screen title, TESTS
(IBASIC Controller).
To Use the IBASIC Command Line Field with the Test Set’s Rotary Knob
1. Position the cursor at the IBASIC Command Line field and push the knob.
2. A Choices: field will be displayed in the lower, right corner of the display.
3. By rotating the knob, a list of ASCII characters and cursor positioning commands can
be displayed on the right side of the screen.
4. When the cursor is next to the desired character or command, push the knob to select
that character.
5. No external hardware is required for this entry method, but it is tedious and is
recommended only for short commands. Use this method when doing simple tasks such
as initializing memory cards or CATaloging a memory card.
6. Program development using the rotary knob alone is not recommended.