Chapter 7, IBASIC Controller
Serial I/O from IBASIC Programs
Serial Port 10 Information
Serial Port 10 is sometimes called Serial Port B in Test Set documentation and
The default Serial Port 10 settings are the same as Serial Port 9. They are
1. Serial Baud rate: 9600
2. Parity: None
3. Data Length: 8 Bits
4. Stop Length: 1 Bit
5. Receive and Transmit Pacing: Xon/Xoff
6. Serial in: Not available for Port 10
7. IBASIC and Instrument Echo: Not available for Port 10
There is no Test Set screen that shows Serial Port 10’s settings. Therefore, to
know Serial Port 10 settings, they must either be set or queried using IBASIC
For example, the following IBASIC program queries the baud rate setting of
Serial Port 10:
10 DIM Setting$[20]
20 OUTPUT 800;"CONF:SPB:BAUD?" !Initiates a query.
30 ENTER 800;Setting$
40 DISP Setting$
50 END
This program returns a quoted string. If the baud rate is set to 9600, the returned
ASCII character string is
9600. Serial Port 10 settings are held in non-volatile
memory. They remain unchanged until modified using an IBASIC command.