IEEE 488.2 Common Commands
*CLS (Clear
The *CLS command clears the contents (sets all bits to zero) of all Event
Registers summarized in the Status Byte. The *CLS command also empties all
queues (removes all current messages) which are summarized in the Status Byte,
except the Output Queue. The following Event Registers are affected:
Hardware 1 Status Register
Hardware 2 Status Register
Questionable Data/Signal Register
Standard Event Status Register
Operational Status Register
Calibration Status Register
Communicate Status Register
The Following message queues are affected:
Error Message Queue
NOTE: The *CLS command does not clear the contents of the Message screen which is displayed
on the CRT when SHIFT, RX is selected. This display is only cleared when the unit is
powered on.
*ESE (Standard
Event Status
The Test Set responds to the *ESE command. See “Standard Event Status Register
Group” in the Advanced Operations chapter of the Agilent 8920B Programmer’s
Guide for a detailed explanation of the *ESE command.
*ESE? (Standard
Event Status
Enable Query)
The Test Set responds to the *ESE? command. See “Standard Event Status
Register Group” in the Advanced Operations chapter of the Agilent 8920B
Programmer’s Guide for a detailed explanation of the *ESE? command.
*ESR? (Standard
Event Status
Register Query)
The Test Set responds to the *ESR? command. See “Standard Event Status
Register Group” in the Advanced Operations chapter of the Agilent 8920B
Programmer’s Guide for a detailed explanation of the *ESR? command.