Triggering Measurements
Default Trigger Mode
The Trigger mode is set to FULL SETTling and REPetitive RETRiggering
• the Test Set is powered on
• the PRESET key is selected
• the Test Set is put into LOCAL mode
• the Test Set is reset using the *RST command
• the Test Set is put in remote mode and no other trigger mode is set
Local/Remote Triggering Changes
Local To Remote Transitions
The Test Set switches from Local to Remote mode upon receipt of the Remote
message (REN bus line true and Test Set is addressed to listen). No instrument
settings are changed by the transition from Local to Remote mode, but triggering
is set to the state it was last set to in Remote mode (if no previous setting, the
default is FULL SETTling and REPetitive RETRiggering).
When the Test Set makes a transition from local to remote mode, all currently
active measurements are flagged as invalid causing any currently available
measurement results to become unavailable. If the GPIB trigger mode is
:RETR REP then a new measurement cycle is started and measurement results
will be available for all active measurements when valid results have been
obtained. If the GPIB trigger mode is :RETR SING then a measurement cycle
must be started by issuing a trigger event. Refer to
“Triggering Measurements” on
page 224
for more information.
Remote To Local Transitions
The Test Set switches from Remote to Local mode upon receipt of the Local
message (Go To Local bus message is sent and Test Set is addressed to listen) or
receipt of the Clear Lockout/Set Local message (REN bus line false). No
instrument settings are changed by the transition from Remote to Local mode, but
triggering is reset to FULL SETTling and REPetitive RETRiggering.