Chapter 6, Memory Cards/Mass Storage
Default Mass Storage Locations
External Disk Drive
The default mass storage volume specifier for the external disk drive is set using
External Disk Specification field in the TESTS (External Devices)
TESTS Subsystem
The default mass storage location for the TESTS Subsystem is set using the
Select Procedure Location: field on the TESTS (Main Menu) screen. The
default mass storage volume specifiers for the TESTS Subsystem mass storage
locations are as follows:
• Card selection (not changeable) - ":INTERNAL,4"
• ROM selection (not changeable) - ":MEMORY,0,4"
• RAM selection (not changeable) - ":MEMORY,0,0"
• Disk selection - the External Disk Specification field in the TESTS
(External Devices) screen.
Selecting the Mass Storage Location
The IBASIC mass storage location is selected using the IBASIC Mass Storage Is
command. The mass storage volume specifier for the desired mass storage
location is appended to the Mass Storage Is command. Refer to the Instrument
BASIC User’s Handbook for further information regarding the Mass Storage Is
For example, to change the default mass storage location to RAM Disk unit 2,
execute the following command:
Mass Storage Is ":MEMORY,0,2"
The Mass Storage Is command is keyboard and program executable; however, any
changes made are lost when the Test Set is turned off or when the SERVICE
RAM Initialize function is executed.